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Discover Cambodia Business
Trends and Opportunities Webinar
Webinar Agenda
On 15 November 2021, from 3:00 to 4:00 pm, in advance of the 1st Asia Europe Economic Business Forum on Transitioning to a New Normal: Leveraging Global Value Chains, Multilateralism and the 4IR, EuroCham Cambodia is hosting its Discover Cambodia Business Trends and Opportunities Webinar, with the participation of His Excellency Pan Sorasak, Cambodian Minister of Commerce, Her Excellency Carmen Moreno, European Union Ambassador to Cambodia, and Mr. Tassilo Brinzer, Chairman of the European Chamber of Commerce in Cambodia.

The event will feature an extensive presentation of the 24 November Transitioning to a New Normal: Leveraging Global Value Chains, Multilateralism and the 4IR Forum, side event of the 25 – 26 November ASEM 13 Summit, by Her Excellency Tekreth Kamrang, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Commerce, and His Excellency Samheng Bora, Under Secretary of State of Ministry of Commerce, Royal Government of Cambodia.

EuroCham’s team will then join in to share one of its key publications, Cambodia Business Opportunities, as well as updating you on the Country Progressive Legal Eco-System.

The presentation will be complemented by the release of two special e-ditions of our landmark publications for the 1st AEEBF: (1) our Business Opportunities in Cambodia, Investment information e-book, produced with the assistance of the European Union, and (2) the Sourcing from Cambodia e-book, developed and produced in collaboration with German Business Cambodia and GIZ (Business Scouts for Development Pro-gramme and Arise+).

As promoting Corporate Social responsibility is part of EuroCham’s core missions, we will present our 2021 CSR Contest edition and invite you to participate in our online 23 November 2021 Award Ceremony. By joining the Ceremony, which is an official part of the 1st AEEBF, you will have the chance to discover the high level of commitment by Cambodia’s business and youth to bring positive social and environmental changes.

EuroCham is proud to invite you to join this webinar, implemented in close partnership with the Cambodian Ministry of Commerce.

Please register for our webinar today!
Register Here
Event Details:
Date: Monday 15th November 2021
Time:  3:00 PM to 4:00 PM (UTC + 7)
Platform: Zoom Webinar 
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